By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
As professional movers in El Paso, we recognize that moving your household is a rough process, and it only gets more difficult if you have furry family members who are moving with you to El Paso. If you have dogs, cats, or both, then here are several, easy things you can do to help them through the moving process to El Paso.
Have One, Final Vet Visit
Some pets do not like visits to the vet, but if you are moving it is imperative to make sure your animals get one, final checkup. This is doubly important if you are moving far enough away that you'll have to look for a new veterinarian, or if an airplane trip will be necessary to get to your destination. Make positive you get proof of vaccinations, medications, and any other paperwork you're going to need. If you delay until you're too far from your vet to accomplish this, it can be a large, unwanted pain in addition to your move.
Board Your Pets for Moving Day
Boarding can be rough on furry family members who have separation anxiety, but it is often a feasible answer in the long-run if you're moving to a new home. If you board your pets for moving day then you don't have to be anxious about them being bothersome, there is not a chance of them running out of the house, and you aren't constantly keeping track of them. It saves time, stress, and risk, which can help your move go a lot more smoothly.
Preserve as Much Routine as Possible
Our pets appreciate routine, and they are sensitive to when it changes. Changes in routine could be viewed as a threat, so it has a tendency to induce all kinds of extra worry on your pet’s part. Therefore, you could attempt to organize your move to El Paso so that it disturbs your animals’ routines (as well as your own) as little as possible. Give them time to get used to what's taking place gradually, and they will react much better. Additionally, when you move them, be sure you bring familiarity with them when you can. Favorite treats and bedding can act like a security blanket, and help your pets be calmer during the process.
Make Sure Your Pets Are Comfortable With Their Traveling Accommodations
Whether you have dogs or cats, you don't want to gather them up, throw them in the car, and commence driving one day. You should allow the time to get your cats and dogs accustomed to traveling. For example, if you have a cat, put their carrier on the floor with the door open. Let them get familiarized with it being there, and give them a little while to explore it. If you own a dog, get them used to a crate, or a kennel. Take them on progressively longer car rides and get them used to being passengers if possible. The more time you can take getting your pets on-board with moving (even if they are never really going to like it), the easier things are going to be.
Be sure and keep identification on your furry family member always. If the unthinkable takes place and your pet is lost in the craziness of the move, how else will they find their way to your new home? Make sure that their collar fits correctly and that their tag includes a phone number that won’t be disconnected during the move. Getting your pet microchipped is a wonderful idea, as also
Chill Out... Your Pets Are Watching
Moving is an anxious time, there's no arguing about that. Even if everything goes perfectly (which it never does), you're going to have days where you just want to lay on the floor and throw a good, old-fashioned temper tantrum. No matter how insane everything gets, though, it is important for you to not forget that little eyes are watching you, and that you might be alarming them.
Your furry family members are likely under a lot of stress from the whole moving process. New things are appearing without explanation, familiar things are going out the door, and there are new people showing up all the time. So, take a moment, take a breath, and remember that your pets need you to be calm and reassuring for them. Otherwise it might tip them over the edge of the stress meter.
If you are looking for a professional moving company in El Paso to assist with your upcoming move, call us today!
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